Welcome to our Client Testimonials Page!
Here you'll read some amazing stories from clients that used our spell casting services. Throughout the many years of service, we've helped many clients with difficult situations materialize their wishes! Some clients contacted us to put their families back together again and some to reunite with an ex-lover and some to solve financial issues. The list goes on and we'd like to share some of the success stories here with you!
Gogoo Dlamini Traditional Healer Clients
The Heart of What We Do
Dear Gogoo Dlamini
I’m writing to let you know that the job spell you cast for me has worked. I found a great new job as a driver making almost double my salary at my old job! I looked and went on several interviews and nothing... until i had you cast that spell for me. I’m forever grateful and i will be getting more spells form you next week to help out my love life. Thanks again. Christopher, From Johannesburg
Zama, South Africa
Good morning Gogoo Dlamini,
I just wanted to tell you that I got engaged this weekend! *Mike proposed to me on January 21, 2014 on our 2nd year anniversary! I have no doubt at all in my mind that it was due to the spell you cast. Thank you so much! * Zama, South Africa

Hello Gogoo Dlamini,
I can’t believe it! The spell really worked! My ex-boyfriend (now my boyfriend once again) sent me an SMS last Wednesday night, November 13, 2020 wanting us to get back together again...and here we are! Yes, we are back in each other’s arms again. Everything is back to normal but this time our relationship is more sweeter and more serious and we are both committed to each other. I just want you to know how much I thank you! Now I'm waiting for my other wish to come true...to be his wife :) jenny
Elaina from CA
Professional Guidance
Hello Gogoo Dlamini, how are you?
I'm not sure if you remember me or not with all the clients you serve, but I am writing you to in regards to the Binding Love Spell that you cast for me a year ago. If you recall, Paul and I had been together for about a year and a half. We were so much in love then (and very happy to report that we still are today :). The problem was outside interference with our relationship. For some reason no one wanted us together. His family was constantly interfering in our relationship and my family hated Paul! I don't know what the reason was; all I knew was that I didn't want to lose him over what our families wanted! I contacted you for a free consultation to see what spell would be best for our problem. You suggested a Binding Love Spell. So with that, you got started right away on my case. The process was so fast and easy to understand. Within 24 hours, you had my binding spell and my free love spell completed. I was very impressed with your service and personal attention to my problem. I know I was contacting you every other day after my binding spells were cast to see if everything went well. I want to thank you so much for your patience and for answering all of my questions! Well, one week after my binding spell and my other love spells were cast, I started seeing positive results! Paul's family totally started accepting our relationship and it was strange to me. They always disliked me, for what reason I still do not know to this day. My parents started to accept Paul as well! It was crazy how everyone just backed away from us and let us enjoys our lives together. It was completely amazing Gogoo Dlamini I just wanted to let you know that after a year things are still going well. As a matter of fact, Paul and I are getting married next month :) We're having a huge wedding...with ALL of our family and friends and I couldn't be happier! I just wanted to say thank you again for all of your help. You have truly been a blessing to both of us! Elaina from CA